Richard Logan Auction: Friday Morning, April 12th @ 10 A.M.
Selling all personal property including farm machinery, tools, shop items, nice clean home furnishings, some antiques and collectibles, including 2022 Case International 75c diesel 4WD tractor with an L620 front loader & only 162 hours (purchased 2 years ago for $68,000), 3 pt. equipment w/rotary mower, finishing mower, 6 way scraper blade, International 574 tractor w/wts, 3 pt and only 1574 hours, shop, hand, lawn tools, chain saws, 6 cords of firewood, cherry lumber & uncut logs, home furnishings, bedroom & living room furnishings, flat screen TV, compressor, drill press, Honda Black Max 7000 13 HP generator, a good sale of clean, ready to use items and equipment.
10104 Verona Road, Battle Creek, Michigan 49014