Don & Judy Bever Tractor Collection, Saturday Morning, October 7th @ 10 A.M.
Selling the private collection of antique tractors, farm equipment, parts, and smalls. Please note that this only a partial listing, and the additional items to be sold with be posted on our website prior to the time of the auction.
Tractors: 1933 BF Avery Model “A” NF; 1958 Oliver 770 Gas Row Crop, SN-6922-735; 1954 John Deere Gas 50 Row Crop, SN-5019151; 1940 John Deere H Row Crop, SN-20830; 1956 John Deere Gas 60 Row Crop, SN-6051527; 1939 Joh Deere BO WF,SN-329309; 1953 John Deere 50 Gas Row Crop SN-5008948; 1941 John Deere B Row Crop, SN-100497; 1955 John Deere 50 Gas WF, SN-5025604; 1956 John Deere 70 Gas WF, SN-7042463; 1947 John Deere D Tractor, SN-170949; 1931 John Deere GP Tractor, SN-226457
Implements & Misc: John Deere 7200 Planter, 3pt Backblade, Woods MD184-2 7' Rotary Mower, JD Wagon Running Gear, Cultipackers, Plows, Stone boats, Cattle/Hay feeders, Cultivators, 3pt Bale Movers, Hay Rakes, Steel Wheeled Implements, Steel Wheels, Cast Iron Kettles & More
Snowmobile: John Deere Snowfire Snowmobile
Golf Cart: 1996 Club Car Gas Golf Cart
Camper: 2006 Sun Valley Truck Camper, VIN 06-H10722.
Also to be Sold -1984 park model house trailer at the sale. It is 14×70, 2 bedroom, with appliances and furniture. The trailer will need to be moved in 30 days.
9-12 Added 100+/- Pictures