Charles Pion Auction, Saturday Morning, August 27th @ 10:00 A.M.
Selling Mr. Pion's collection of antique and collectible tractors, gas engines, riding mowers, portable building, trailers, and more. Tractors - (2) Agro-Util Tractors (1) Diesel, (1) Gas (Only 6 are known to be Sold in U.S.)Agro-Util was Co-founded by John Jensen in South Haven, MI, in 1960. Jenson traveled overseas a lot in his occupation in the international adverting and marketing trade and such. After seeing the needs of small farmers during his many travels overseas, an important part of his business was developing a small tractor. In 1960 Agro Util, Inc. was established to help farmers raise more food and get into cash crops. The company foundered after a few yrs due to poor sales etc. Very few tractors are sold in the U.S. When Co closed remaining inventory was disassembled and shipped to Brazil? as kits to avoid excessive import duty on complete tractors. Engines: Single & twin cylinder maytags, Economy 3hp on a cart, Sattley, Delco Light Plant, International LA & LB engines, Mercury air-cooled, Orchard sprayer with 4hp NOVO engine, Quantity of Wisconsin and Briggs & Stratton engines. Garden tractors powered by Little Jumbo, Fairbanks Morse, and International LB engines. Tractor: B.F. Avery Model V with attachments. Portable Building (Barn): 14' x 16' wood-framed barn with steel roof and siding. Two years old.; lots of other items to be sold.
For Additional Information call Charles Pion, (231-796-0943